
Sportflash showed that David Bechkam disliked to be older.He said: "be older is a fear for me ". Beckam was afraid , one day he would be older, bald, and fat. Bechkam had a feeling that he had missed his youth. But Beckam always pressed his his feelings in many ways, included : active in many training in some fitness, diet, due to get his young body ,although he should be older. Victoria Beckam said that he was afraid too much , made him uncontrollable. A few days ago,i saw a Pastor whose age was 81 years, He seemed old ,bald, and fat, but he was fine and active in many activities. By his words, i saw him enjoy life. I expected to be like him although be old. There are many people that are afraid to be old. But , they don't enjoy their life, they feel they are young but they should face the truth , everyone must be old. "We should be old but maturity(growing up) is our choice. Growing old and growing up is different. Do we grow old or grow up?Growing up should do many things. There are many problems that are unable do due to be grow old.Growing up is not same with growing old, although oldman usually wiser and cleverer than young man in society. Don't become just growing older, but growing up.Your physic may be week, but we shall stronger by growing up. ""Be growing up children and don't be the growing down adult(childish).Worry doesn't empty today with sadness, it empties the strength( Corrie tb)


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