Fox which animal is cannibal, dog which animal is dirty and lion which animal is egoist and greedy by hunting herbivours. There are animals that we know as the worst habits. But don't you know , sometimes dog is faithful than man. There are many movies that show us the faith of dogs. They run for their master, waiting and dance(joke) when their master come . There are many movies too that show us about betraying of man. Kingdom, love, woman and wealth make men betray and even kill another. The dog just needs love and feeding by their master. They never think about kingdom, couple, wealth that another things that make them betray their master. When i ate on the table, my dog saw me eating, he never forced to be fed but sometimes he licked my leg and make a small barking. He was faithful to be fed, he never went to another master, and never bite me.He followed me when i went to school. That's i love dog until this moment. The wolves hunt the deer or piglet to eat , but they love their children. Lion is the greedy animal taht i ever know , but they make community to survive in the jungle of Africa. How about us ? Do we love and be faithful? Do we love ouyr children or sister ,brother even relatives?. Do we have community to help us each other?
""Mammals never think the wealth and kingdom but they think to survive and reproduce their generation. And...we are better ..than them...because we are human...
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