The Pain
I and my friend went to a small village someday ago and it gave me the important of life.The village was not harvest for some years for rice but there were many corns.We should eat corn because there was nothing. When i finished to eat, i got the problem with stomach ache. But, I thought why people enjoyed their corn due to eat for so long. One day I ask a woman and said: "Are you bored TO EAT CORN??. "No,it is just temporary, when harvest moon came , we shall eat rice and some fish,"she said that simply. I always remind her words "it's just temporary"
There are many people think that pain is the last of everything. It prove there are many criminals case like murderer , thief, and another crimes
Are you someone who feel trouble and difficulty? Do you feel desperate and hopeless?? Remember, it's just temporary, !!. We must not be in in the trouble and get the solution.
"Life in difficulty is not enjoyable and pain, but remind that will be over and do difficulty will make you better . If you never try to do mare than your best, you should no grow up..."""
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